Programming and Web Applications
There are many Web applications that are quite affordable or free for use in the Open Source software world. We work to make Open Source Web Applications and Commercial Applications integrate seamlessly within a web site.
There is no limit to what your website can do. We will work with you to find the best mix of site functionality while providing your maximum return on investment.
A few of the applications we have deployed and/or developed:
Content Management
Tools to help you build and/or manage websites and their content.
the true workhorses of the Information Age.
Development Tools
Scripting languages and tools.
Shopping cart systems.
Email List Management
Email lists have become very popular marketing tools.
Website Traffic Analysis
We all want to know how well our sites are doing and how many visitors we receive each month.
Custom Programming
At Appleget Associates Inc. we provide custom programing to do what the open source programs may not be able to do. We can also customize applications to make them fit your ideas and final goal. We work with PHP, Perl, Java script and AJAX. We can always help you find programmers in other languages if you have a project that needs new light.
To get the right product for the right price please contact us with your questions and ideas.

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